public class point { public
double x[]; public
point(double xi,double yi,double zi) {
x=new double[3]; x[0]=xi;x[1]=yi;x[2]=zi;} public
point(double xi[]) {
x=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=xi[i]; } public
point() {
x=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=0.0; } public
point(point pi) {x=new
double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=pi.x[i];} public
double R() {return
Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]);} public
double[] costeta() { double
r=R(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=x[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] teta() { double
teta[]=new double[3]; double
costeta[]=costeta(); for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) teta[i]=Math.acos(costeta[i]); return
teta; } public
double[] dx(point pi) {
double d[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) d[i]=pi.x[i]-x[i]; return d; } public
double dR(point pi) {
double total=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {total+=(x[i]-pi.x[i])*(x[i]-pi.x[i]);} return Math.sqrt(total); } public
double[] dcosteta(point pi) { double
dr=dR(pi); double
dx[]=dx(pi); double
dcos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) dcos[i]=dx[i]/dr; return
dcos; } public
double[] dteta(point pi) { double
dcos[]=dcosteta(pi); double
dt[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) dt[i]=Math.acos(dcos[i]); return
dt; } public
String toString() {String
s="P["+x[0]+","+x[1]+","+x[2]+"]"; return s; } public
String name(){return "point";} } |
public class Force { public
point P; public
double F[]; public
double M[]; public
Force(double x[],double Fi[],double Mi[]) {
P=new point(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=Fi[i];M[i]=Mi[i];} } public
Force(double x[],double Fi[]) {
P=new point(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {F[i]=Fi[i];} } public
Force(double Fi[]) {
double Pi[]=new double[3]; P=new point(Pi); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {F[i]=Fi[i];} } public
Force(double x[],double R,double costeta[]) {
P=new point(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } //two
points in space is given to define force public
Force(double x0[],double x1[],double R) {
P=new point(x0); point P1=new point(x1); double costeta[]=P.dcosteta(P1); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } //two
points in space is given to define force //first
point 0,0,0 cartasian starting point public
Force(double x1[],double R) {
P=new point(); point P1=new point(x1); double costeta[]=P.dcosteta(P1); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } public
Force(double R,double costeta[]) {
double Pi[]=new double[3]; P=new point(Pi); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } public
Force(double R,double costeta) {
double Pi[]=new double[3]; P=new point(Pi); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; double tet=Math.acos(costeta); double
costeta1[]={costeta,Math.sin(tet),0.0}; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta1[i];} } public
Force(Force Fi) {
P=new point(Fi.P); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=Fi.F[i];M[i]=Fi.M[i];} } public
double RF() {return
Math.sqrt(F[0]*F[0]+F[1]*F[1]+F[2]*F[2]);} public
double RM() {return
Math.sqrt(M[0]*M[0]+M[1]*M[1]+M[2]*M[2]);} public
double[] costetaF() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=F[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] tetaF() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=Math.acos(F[i]/r); return
cos; } public
double[] costetaM() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=M[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] tetaM() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=Math.acos(M[i]/r); return
cos; } public
void move(point p) {double
dp[]=P.dx(p); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {P.x[i]=p.x[i];} M[0]+=dp[1]*F[2]-dp[2]*F[1]; M[1]+=dp[2]*F[0]-dp[0]*F[2]; M[2]+=dp[0]*F[1]-dp[1]*F[0]; } public
void movetopoint(point p,Force Fi) {
add(Fi); move(p); } //Force
addition public
void add(Force Fi) {double
dp[]=P.dx(Fi.P); M[0]+=dp[1]*F[2]-dp[2]*F[1]; M[1]+=dp[2]*F[0]-dp[0]*F[2]; M[2]+=dp[0]*F[1]-dp[1]*F[0]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){F[i]+=Fi.F[i];} } //3D
rotation public
void turnteta(double teta1[]) {double
RF=RF(); double teta2[]=tetaF(); double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]); } } //Plane(2D)
rotation public
void turnteta(double teta1) {double
RF=RF(); double teta2[]=tetaF(); double teta3[]={teta1,teta1,0.0}; double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta[i]=teta2[i]+teta3[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]); } } //3D
rotation public
void turncosteta(double costeta2[]) {double
RF=RF(); double costeta1[]=costetaF(); double teta1[]=new double[3]; double teta2[]=new double[3]; double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta1[i]=Math.acos(costeta1[i]); teta2[i]=Math.acos(costeta2[i]); teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]);} } //Plane
rotation public
void turncosteta(double costeta) {double
RF=RF(); double costeta1[]=costetaF(); double costeta2[]={costeta,costeta,1.0}; double teta[]=new double[3]; double teta1[]=new double[3]; double teta2[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta1[i]=Math.acos(costeta1[i]); teta2[i]=Math.acos(costeta2[i]); teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]);} } public
String toString() { String
s=P.toString()+"\n"; s+="F["+F[0]+","+F[1]+","+F[2]+"]\n"; s+="M["+M[0]+","+M[1]+","+M[2]+"]"; return
s; } public
String toString(String s1,double x[]) { String
s=P.toString()+"\n"; s+=s1+"["+x[0]+","+x[1]+","+x[2]+"]\n"; return
s; } } |
class forcetest1 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
cosfi1[]={Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0),Math.cos(0.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0)}; double
F=784.0; Force
F1=new Force(F,cosfi1); System.out.println(F1.toString()); double
cosfi2[]={Math.cos(20.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(20.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(0.0)}; F1.turncosteta(cosfi2); System.out.println(F1.toString()); } } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest1 P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[4.800615452657625E-14,784.0,4.800615452657625E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-268.1437923673241,736.7190146961522,4.800615452657625E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
class forcetest2 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
cosfi1[]={-Math.cos(Math.PI/3.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/6.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0)}; double
F=235.0; Force
F1=new Force(F,cosfi1); System.out.println(F1.toString()); double
cosfi2[]={Math.cos(22.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(22.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(0.0)}; F1.turncosteta(cosfi2); System.out.println(F1.toString()); } } |
class forcetest2A { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
cosfi1[]={-Math.cos(Math.PI/3.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/6.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0)}; double
F=235.0; Force
F1=new Force(F,cosfi1); System.out.println(F1.toString()); F1.turncosteta(Math.cos(22.0*Math.PI/180.0)); System.out.println(F1.toString()); } } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest2A P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-117.50000000000003,203.5159698893431,1.43895998899814E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-185.1825270975797,144.68044670152972,1.4389599889981402E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
class forcetest3 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
cosfi1=Math.cos(140.0*Math.PI/180.0); double
cosfi2=Math.sin(140.0*Math.PI/180.0); double
FF=90.0; double
cosfi3[]={cosfi1,cosfi2,0.0}; Force
F1=new Force(FF,cosfi3); System.out.println("F1:\n"+F1.toString()); double
cosfi4=Math.cos(Math.PI/6.0); double
RP=-F1.F[0]/cosfi4; System.out.println("RP="+RP); Force
P=new Force(RP,cosfi4); System.out.println("P:\n"+P.toString()); double
RF=F1.F[1]+P.F[1]-20.0; System.out.println("RF="+RF); double
cosfi5=Math.cos(3.0*Math.PI/2.0); Force
F=new Force(RF,cosfi5); System.out.println("F:\n"+F.toString()); } } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest3 F1: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-68.943999880708,57.85088487178855,0.0] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] RP=79.60967378027259 P: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[68.943999880708,39.80483689013628,0.0] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] RF=77.65572176192484 F: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-1.4265124663682806E-14,77.65572176192484,0.0] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
class forcetest4 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
x1[]={2,-4,1}; double
F=100.0; //N Force
F1=new Force(x1,F); double
dcosteta[]=F1.costetaF(); System.out.println("F1:\n"+F1.toString()); System.out.println("F1:\n"+F1.toString("dcos",dcosteta)); } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest4 F1: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[43.64357804719848,-87.28715609439696,21.82178902359924] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] F1: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] dcos[0.4364357804719847,-0.8728715609439694,0.21821789023599236] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
A force couple applied with F1=100j at p1[-5,0,0] and F2=-100j at p2[5,0,0] add
the couple
class forcetest5 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
x1[]={-5,0,0}; double
F1[]={0,100.0,0}; //N Force
FA=new Force(x1,F1); double
x2[]={5,0,0}; double
F2[]={0,-100.0,0}; //N Force
FB=new Force(x2,F2); point
p=new point(0,0,0); FA.movetopoint(p,FB); System.out.println("F1:\n"+FA.toString()); } } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest5 F1: P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[0.0,0.0,0.0] M[0.0,0.0,1000.0] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
2 class point2D, circle, cylinder
public class point2D { public
double x, y; public
point2D(double a, double b)
{x=a;y=b;} public
point2D(point2D A) {x=A.x; y=A.y; } public
String toString() {return
"["+x+","+y+"]";} public
String name(){return "point";} } |
public class circle { public double radius; public point2D p; public circle() {
p=new point2D(0.0,0.0); radius=0.0;} public circle(double r, double a, double
b) {
p=new point2D(a,b); radius=r; } public circle(double r, point2D n) {
p=new point2D(n.x,n.y); radius=r; } public circle(circle c) {
p=new point2D(c.p.x,c.p.y); radius=c.radius; } public double area() {return Math.PI*radius*radius;} public String toString() { return "Center =
radius="+radius;} public String name(){return
"circle";} } |
public class cylinder { public double height; public circle c; public cylinder() {c=new circle(0.0,0.0,0.0); height=0.0;} public cylinder( double h,circle d) {c=new circle(d); height=h; } public cylinder( double h, double r, double
a, double b) {c=new circle(r,a,b); height=h; } public double area() {return
2*c.area()+2*Math.PI*c.radius*height;} public double volume(){return
c.area()*height;} public String toString() {return c.toString()+";height =
"+height;} public String name(){return
"cylinder";} } |
javax.swing.*; class
compositiontest1 { public static void main(String args[]) { point2D n=new point2D(1.0,2.0); circle d1=new circle(3.0,n); circle d2=new circle(4.0,2.0,3.0); cylinder s1=new cylinder(5.0,d1); cylinder s2=new cylinder(5.0,3.0,1.0,2.0); String s=n.toString()+"\n "+" "+d1.toString()+"\n
"+d2.toString()+"\n "+"
"+s1.toString()+"\n "+"
"+s2.toString()+"\n "; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s, "classes: point2D circle cylinder
protected composition test",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); System.exit(0);} } |
3 class vehicle, truck,bus, minibus
Program 7.1.10 : a simple class with public class variables
import javax.swing.*; public class vehicle { //valid vehicle types
bus,truck,minitruck,minivan,auto public String vehicletype; public String brandName; public double power; //KW olarak public String color; public double weight; //yüksüz net ağırlık //kurucu metodlar public vehicle() {vehicletype="not defined"; brandName="not defined"; power=0; color="not defined"; weight=0; } public vehicle(String i_vehicletype,String
i_brandName,double i_motor,String i_color,double i_weight) {//vehicle type
"bus","truck","mini truck","mini
bus","auto","tır" //if not define as "not defined" if(i_vehicletype.equals("truck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("minitruck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("auto") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("motorcycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("bicycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("off road vehicle") ) {vehicletype=i_vehicletype;} else {vehicletype="not defined";} brandName=i_brandName; power=i_motor; color=i_color; weight=i_weight; } public vehicle(vehicle A) {//gerekli tanımları yap vehicletype=A.vehicletype; brandName=A.brandName; power=A.power; color=A.color; weight=A.weight; } public void define_vehicle(String
i_vehicletype,String i_brandName,double i_motor,String i_color,double
i_weight) {//vehicle type
"bus","truck","mini truck","mini
bus","auto","tır" //if not define as "not defined" if(i_vehicletype.equals("truck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("minitruck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("auto") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("motorcycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("bicycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("off road vehicle"))
{vehicletype=i_vehicletype;} else {vehicletype="not defined";} brandName=i_brandName; power=i_motor; color=i_color; weight=i_weight; } public String toString() {String s1=""; s1+="Vehicle Type :
"+vehicletype+"\n"; s1+="Brand Name :
"+brandName+"\n"; s1+="Motor Power : "+power+"
KW\n"; s1+="Color : "+color+"\n"; s1+="Weight : "+weight+"
kg\n"; return s1;//gerekli tanımları yap } public void outputwindow() { String s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,toString(),s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
Program 7.1.11 : a simple
class with public class variables, use class vehicle as class variable
public class truck { vehicle v; public truck(String i_marka,double i_motor,String
i_renk,double i_agirlik) {v=new
vehicle("truck",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public truck() { v=new vehicle();
v.vehicletype="truck"; } public truck(truck A) {v=new vehicle(A.v); v.vehicletype="truck"; } } |
Program 7.1.12 : a simple
class with public class variables, use class vehicle as class variable
public class bus { vehicle v; public bus(String i_marka,double i_motor,String
i_renk,double i_agirlik) {v=new vehicle("bus",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public bus() { v=new vehicle();
v.vehicletype="bus"; } public bus(bus A) { v=new vehicle(A.v); v.vehicletype="bus"; } } |
Program 7.1.13 : a simple class with public class variables, use
class vehicle as class variable
public class minibus { vehicle v; public minibus(String i_marka,double
i_motor,String i_renk,double i_agirlik) {v=new
vehicle("minibus",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public minibus() { v=new vehicle(); v.vehicletype="minibus"; } public minibus(minibus A) {v=new vehicle(A.v); v.vehicletype="minibus"; } } |
Program 7.1.14 A
test program for classes vehicle,bus,truck and minibus
import javax.swing.*; class vehicletesti1 { public static void outputwindow(String s) { String s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public static void main(String args[]) { vehicle truck=new
vehicle("truck","MAN",200.0,"red",15000); vehicle bus=new
vehicle("bus","Mersedes-Chrysler",300.0,"white",10000); vehicle a=new vehicle(); String
s=truck.toString()+"\n"+bus.toString()+"\n"+a.toString(); outputwindow(s); } } |
public class point { public
double x[]; public
point(double xi,double yi,double zi) {
x=new double[3]; x[0]=xi;x[1]=yi;x[2]=zi;} public
point(double xi[]) {
x=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=xi[i]; } public
point() {
x=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=0.0; } public
point(point pi) {x=new
double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) x[i]=pi.x[i];} public
double R() {return
Math.sqrt(x[0]*x[0]+x[1]*x[1]+x[2]*x[2]);} public
double[] costeta() { double
r=R(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=x[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] teta() { double
teta[]=new double[3]; double
costeta[]=costeta(); for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) teta[i]=Math.acos(costeta[i]); return
teta; } public
double[] dx(point pi) {
double d[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) d[i]=pi.x[i]-x[i]; return d; } public
double dR(point pi) {
double total=0; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {total+=(x[i]-pi.x[i])*(x[i]-pi.x[i]);} return Math.sqrt(total); } public
double[] dcosteta(point pi) { double
dr=dR(pi); double
dx[]=dx(pi); double
dcos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) dcos[i]=dx[i]/dr; return
dcos; } public
double[] dteta(point pi) { double
dcos[]=dcosteta(pi); double
dt[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) dt[i]=Math.acos(dcos[i]); return
dt; } public
String toString() {String
s="P["+x[0]+","+x[1]+","+x[2]+"]"; return s; } public
String name(){return "point";} } |
public class Force extends point { public
double F[]; public
double M[]; public
Force(double x[],double Fi[],double Mi[]) {
super(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=Fi[i];M[i]=Mi[i];} } public
Force(double x[],double Fi[]) {
super(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {F[i]=Fi[i];} } public
Force(double Fi[]) {
super(); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {F[i]=Fi[i];} } public
Force(double x[],double R,double costeta[]) {
super(x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } //two
points in space is given to define force public
Force(double x0[],double x1[],double R) {
super(x0); point P1=new point(x1); double costeta[]=dcosteta(P1); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } //two
points in space is given to define force //first
point 0,0,0 cartasian starting point public
Force(double x1[],double R) {
super(); point P1=new point(x1); double costeta[]=dcosteta(P1); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } public
Force(double R,double costeta[]) {
super(); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta[i];} } //2D
entry public
Force(double R,double costeta) {
super(); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; double tet=Math.acos(costeta); double
costeta1[]={costeta,Math.sin(tet),0.0}; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=R*costeta1[i];} } public
Force(Force Fi) {
super(Fi.x); F=new double[3]; M=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
{F[i]=Fi.F[i];M[i]=Fi.M[i];} } public
double RF() {return
Math.sqrt(F[0]*F[0]+F[1]*F[1]+F[2]*F[2]);} public
double RM() {return
Math.sqrt(M[0]*M[0]+M[1]*M[1]+M[2]*M[2]);} public
double[] costetaF() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=F[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] tetaF() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=Math.acos(F[i]/r); return
cos; } public
double[] costetaM() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=M[i]/r; return
cos; } public
double[] tetaM() { double
r=RF(); double
cos[]=new double[3]; for(int
i=0;i<3;i++) cos[i]=Math.acos(M[i]/r); return
cos; } public
void move(point p) {double
dp[]=dx(p); for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {x[i]=p.x[i];} M[0]+=dp[1]*F[2]-dp[2]*F[1]; M[1]+=dp[2]*F[0]-dp[0]*F[2]; M[2]+=dp[0]*F[1]-dp[1]*F[0]; } public
void movetopoint(point p,Force Fi) {
add(Fi); move(p); } //Force
addition public
void add(Force Fi) {
point Pi=new point(Fi.x); double dp[]=dx(Pi); M[0]+=dp[1]*F[2]-dp[2]*F[1]; M[1]+=dp[2]*F[0]-dp[0]*F[2]; M[2]+=dp[0]*F[1]-dp[1]*F[0]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++){F[i]+=Fi.F[i];} } //3D
rotation public
void turnteta(double teta1[]) {double
RF=RF(); double teta2[]=tetaF(); double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]); } } //Plane(2D)
rotation public
void turnteta(double teta1) {double
RF=RF(); double teta2[]=tetaF(); double teta3[]={teta1,teta1,0.0}; double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta[i]=teta2[i]+teta3[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]); } } //3D
rotation public
void turncosteta(double costeta2[]) {double
RF=RF(); double costeta1[]=costetaF(); double teta1[]=new double[3]; double teta2[]=new double[3]; double teta[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta1[i]=Math.acos(costeta1[i]); teta2[i]=Math.acos(costeta2[i]); teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]);} } //Plane
rotation public
void turncosteta(double costeta) {double
RF=RF(); double costeta1[]=costetaF(); double costeta2[]={costeta,costeta,1.0}; double teta[]=new double[3]; double teta1[]=new double[3]; double teta2[]=new double[3]; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) {
teta1[i]=Math.acos(costeta1[i]); teta2[i]=Math.acos(costeta2[i]); teta[i]=teta1[i]+teta2[i]; F[i]=RF*Math.cos(teta[i]);} } public
String toString() { String
s=super.toString()+"\n"; s+="F["+F[0]+","+F[1]+","+F[2]+"]\n"; s+="M["+M[0]+","+M[1]+","+M[2]+"]"; return
s; } public
String toString(String s1,double x[]) { String
s=super.toString()+"\n"; s+=s1+"["+x[0]+","+x[1]+","+x[2]+"]\n"; return
s; } } |
class forcetest1 { public
static void main(String arg[]) { double
cosfi1[]={Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0),Math.cos(0.0),Math.cos(Math.PI/2.0)}; double
F=784.0; Force
F1=new Force(F,cosfi1); System.out.println(F1.toString()); double
cosfi2[]={Math.cos(20.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(20.0*Math.PI/180.0),Math.cos(0.0)}; F1.turncosteta(cosfi2); System.out.println(F1.toString()); } } |
Capture Output ---------- >
"c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" forcetest1 P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[4.800615452657625E-14,784.0,4.800615452657625E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] P[0.0,0.0,0.0] F[-268.1437923673241,736.7190146961522,4.800615452657625E-14] M[0.0,0.0,0.0] >
Terminated with exit code 0. |
2 class point2D, circle, cylinder
public class point2D { public
double x, y; public
point2D(double a, double b)
{x=a;y=b;} public
point2D(point2D A) {x=A.x; y=A.y; } public
String toString() {return
"["+x+","+y+"]";} public
String name(){return "point";} } |
public class circle extends point2D { public double radius; public circle() {
super(0.0,0.0); radius=0.0; } public circle(double r, double a, double
b) {
super(a,b); radius=r; } public circle(double r, point2D n) {
super(n.x,n.y); radius=r; } public circle(circle c) {
super(c.x,c.y); radius=c.radius; } public double area() {return Math.PI*radius*radius;} public String toString() { return "Center =
"+super.toString()+"; radius="+radius;} public String name(){return
"circle";} } |
public class cylinder extends circle { public double height; public cylinder() {super(0.0,0.0,0.0); height=0.0;} public cylinder( double h,circle d) {super(d); height=h; } public cylinder( double h, double r, double
a, double b) {super(r,a,b); height=h; } public double area() {return
2*super.area()+2*Math.PI*radius*height;} public double volume(){return
super.area()*height;} public String toString() {return super.toString()+";height =
"+height;} public String name(){return
"cylinder";} } |
javax.swing.*; class
inheritancetest1 { public static void main(String args[]) { point2D n=new point2D(1.0,2.0); circle d1=new circle(3.0,n); circle d2=new circle(4.0,2.0,3.0); cylinder s1=new cylinder(5.0,d1); cylinder s2=new cylinder(5.0,3.0,1.0,2.0); String s=n.toString()+"\n "+"
"+d1.toString()+"\n "+"
"+d2.toString()+"\n "+" "+s1.toString()+"\n
"+s2.toString()+"\n "; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s, "classes: point2D circle cylinder
protected composition test",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); System.exit(0);} } |
javax.swing.*; class
inheritancetest1A { public static void main(String args[]) { //indirect reference point2D n=new point2D(1.0,2.0); circle d1=new circle(3.0,n); circle d2=new circle(4.0,2.0,3.0); cylinder s1=new cylinder(5.0,d1); cylinder s2=new cylinder(5.0,3.0,1.0,2.0); point2D p[]=new point2D[5]; p[0]=n; p[1]=d1; p[2]=d2; p[3]=s1; p[4]=s2; String s=""; for(int i=0;i<p.length;i++) {s+=p[i].toString()+"\n";} JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s, "classes: point2D circle cylinder
protected composition test",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); System.exit(0);} } |
javax.swing.*; class
inheritancetest1B { public static String toString(point2D x[]) {String s=""; for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++) {s+=x[i].toString()+"\n";} return s; } public
static void main(String args[]) { //indirect reference point2D n=new point2D(1.0,2.0); circle d1=new circle(3.0,n); circle d2=new circle(4.0,2.0,3.0); cylinder s1=new cylinder(5.0,d1); cylinder s2=new cylinder(5.0,3.0,1.0,2.0); point2D p[]=new point2D[5]; p[0]=n; p[1]=d1; p[2]=d2; p[3]=s1; p[4]=s2; String s=""; for(int i=0;i<p.length;i++)
{s+=p[i]+"\n";} JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,toString(p), "classes: point2D circle cylinder
protected composition test",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
javax.swing.*; class
inheritancetest1C { public static String toString(point2D x[]) {String s=""; //all classes inherited toString method // so instead of x[i].toString() x[i] is
called for(int i=0;i<x.length;i++) {s+=x[i]+"\n";} return s; } public
static void main(String args[]) { //indirect reference point2D n=new point2D(1.0,2.0); circle d1=new circle(3.0,n); circle d2=new circle(4.0,2.0,3.0); cylinder s1=new cylinder(5.0,d1); cylinder s2=new cylinder(5.0,3.0,1.0,2.0); point2D p[]=new point2D[5]; p[0]=n; p[1]=d1; p[2]=d2; p[3]=s1; p[4]=s2; String s=""; for(int i=0;i<p.length;i++)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,toString(p), "classes: point2D circle cylinder
protected composition test",JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); System.exit(0);} } |
3 class vehicle, truck,bus, minibüs, vehicle_register
import javax.swing.*; public class vehicle { //valid vehicle types
bus,truck,minitruck,minivan,auto public String vehicletype; public String brandName; public double power; //KW olarak public String color; public double weight; //yüksüz net ağırlık //kurucu metodlar public vehicle() {vehicletype="not defined"; brandName="not defined"; power=0; color="not defined"; weight=0; } public vehicle(String i_vehicletype,String
i_brandName,double i_motor,String i_color,double i_weight) {//vehicle type
"bus","truck","mini truck","mini
bus","auto","tır" //if not define as "not defined" if(i_vehicletype.equals("truck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("minitruck") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("bus")|| i_vehicletype.equals("minibus")||
i_vehicletype.equals("auto") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("motorcycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("bicycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("off road vehicle") ) {vehicletype=i_vehicletype;} else {vehicletype="not defined";} brandName=i_brandName; power=i_motor; color=i_color; weight=i_weight; } public vehicle(vehicle A) {//gerekli tanımları yap vehicletype=A.vehicletype; brandName=A.brandName; power=A.power; color=A.color; weight=A.weight; } public void define_vehicle(String
i_vehicletype,String i_brandName,double i_motor,String i_color,double
i_weight) {//vehicle type
"bus","truck","mini truck","mini
bus","auto","tır" //if not define as "not defined" if(i_vehicletype.equals("truck") || i_vehicletype.equals("minitruck")
i_vehicletype.equals("auto") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("motorcycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("bicycle") ||
i_vehicletype.equals("off road vehicle"))
{vehicletype=i_vehicletype;} else {vehicletype="not defined";} brandName=i_brandName; power=i_motor; color=i_color; weight=i_weight; } public String toString() {String s1=""; s1+="Vehicle Type :
"+vehicletype+"\n"; s1+="Brand Name : "+brandName+"\n"; s1+="Motor Power : "+power+"
KW\n"; s1+="Color : "+color+"\n"; s1+="Weight : "+weight+"
kg\n"; return s1;//gerekli tanımları yap } public void outputwindow() { String s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,toString(),s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
public class bus extends vehicle { public bus(String i_marka,double i_motor,String
i_renk,double i_agirlik) {super("bus",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public bus() { super();
vehicletype="bus"; } public bus(bus A) { super(A);
vehicletype="bus"; } } |
public class minibus extends vehicle { public minibus(String i_marka,double
i_motor,String i_renk,double i_agirlik) {super("minibus",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public minibus() { super();
vehicletype="minibus"; } public minibus(bus A) { super(A);
vehicletype="minibus"; } } |
public class truck
extends vehicle { public truck(String i_marka,double i_motor,String
i_renk,double i_agirlik) {super("truck",i_marka,i_motor,i_renk,i_agirlik);} public truck() { super();
vehicletype="truck"; } public truck(truck A) {super(A); vehicletype="truck"; } } |
A test program for classes vehicle,bus,truck and minibus
import javax.swing.*; class vehicletesti1 { public static void outputwindow(String s) { String s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public static void main(String args[]) { vehicle truck=new
vehicle("truck","MAN",200.0,"red",15000); vehicle bus=new
vehicle("bus","Mersedes-Chrysler",300.0,"white",10000); vehicle a=new vehicle(); String
s=truck.toString()+"\n"+bus.toString()+"\n"+a.toString(); outputwindow(s); } } |
javax.swing.*; class
vehicletest1A { public
static void outputwindow(String s) { String
s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public
static void main(String args[]) { vehicle
vehicle("truck","MAN",200.0,"red",15000); vehicle
vehicle("bus","Mersedes-Chrysler",300.0,"white",10000); vehicle
a=new vehicle(); vehicle
v[]=new vehicle[3]; v[0]=truck; v[1]=bus; v[2]=a; String
s=""; for(int
i=0;i<v.length;i++) {
s+=v[i].toString()+"\n";} outputwindow(s); } } |
class vehicle_register { String
name; int
number_of_vehicles; vehicle
list[]; public
vehicle_register(String kname,vehicle klist[]) {name=kname; number_of_vehicles=klist.length; list=new vehicle[number_of_vehicles]; for(int vehicle_number=0;vehicle_number<number_of_vehicles;vehicle_number++) {list[vehicle_number]=klist[vehicle_number];} } public String toString() {
String s="Vehicle register name : "+name+"\n"; s+="Total number of vehicles :
"+number_of_vehicles+"\n\n"; for(int
{s+=list[vehicle_number].toString()+"\n";} return s; } } |
javax.swing.*; class
vehicleregistertest1 { public
static void outputwindow(String s) { String
s1="Vehicle class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public
static void main(String args[]) { vehicle
v[]=new vehicle[3]; v[0]=new
truck("MAN",200.0,"red",15000); v[1]=new
bus("Mersedes-Chrysler",300.0,"white",10000); v[2]=new
minibus("BMC",70,"blue",1070); vehicle_register
vr=new vehicle_register("izmir car registration",v); String
s=vr.toString()+"\n"; outputwindow(s); } } |
3 class book,novel,poetry,encyclopedia, library
class book { String
name; String
author; String
clasification; String
language; public
book(String kname,String kauthor,String kclasification,String klanguage) {name=kname; author=kauthor; clasification=kclasification; language=klanguage; } public
book(book k) {;; clasification=k.clasification; language=k.language; } public
String toString() { String
s="name = "+name+"\n"; s+="author
= "+author+"\n"; s+="book
clasification = "+clasification+"\n"; s+="language
= "+language+"\n"; return
s; } } |
class fiction extends book { public
fiction(String kisim,String kyazar,String klanguage) {
super(kisim,kyazar,"fiction",klanguage);} } |
class poetry extends book { public
poetry(String kname,String kauthor,String klanguage) {
super(kname,kauthor,"poetry",klanguage);} } |
class encyclopedia extends book { public
encyclopedia(String kname,String klanguage) {
super(kname,"editing board","encyclopedia",klanguage);} } |
javax.swing.*; class
booktest1 { public
static void outputwindow(String s) { String
s1="book class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public
static void main(String args[]) { book
magazine=new book("Bilim ve
Teknik","TÜBİTAK","magazine","Turkish"); fiction
r1=new fiction("It is all quiet in the westen front ","Erich
Maria Reamarque","English"); book
r2=new book("The God Delusion","Richard
Dawkins","fiction","English"); poetry s1=new poetry("Human lanscapes from my
country","Nazım Hikmet","English and Turkish"); encyclopedia
a1=new encyclopedia("Encyclopedia Britannica","English"); String
s=magazine.toString()+"\n"+r1.toString()+"\n"+r2.toString()+"\n"+s1.toString()+"\n"+a1.toString(); outputwindow(s); }} |
javax.swing.*; class
booktest1A { public
static void outputwindow(String s) { String
s1="book class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public
static void main(String args[]) { book
magazine=new book("Bilim ve
Teknik","TÜBİTAK","magazine","Turkish"); fiction
r1=new fiction("It is all quiet in the westen front ","Erich
Maria Reamarque","English"); book
r2=new book("The God Delusion","Richard
Dawkins","fiction","English"); poetry s1=new poetry("Human lanscapes from my
country","Nazım Hikmet","English and Turkish"); encyclopedia
a1=new encyclopedia("Encyclopedia Britannica","English"); book
b[]=new book[5]; b[0]=magazine; b[1]=r1; b[2]=r2; b[3]=s1; b[4]=a1; String
s=""; for(int
i=0;i<b.length;i++) {s+=b[i]+"\n";} outputwindow(s); }} |
class library { String
name; int
number_of_books; book
list[]; public
library(String kname,book klist[]) {name=kname; number_of_books=klist.length; list=new book[number_of_books]; for(int
book_number=0;book_number<number_of_books;book_number++) {list[book_number]=klist[book_number];} } public String toString() {
String s="Library name : "+name+"\n"; s+="Total number of books :
"+number_of_books+"\n\n"; for(int
book_number=0;book_number<number_of_books;book_number++) {s+=list[book_number].toString()+"\n";} return s; } } |
javax.swing.*; class
booktest1B { public
static void outputwindow(String s) { String
s1="library class output window"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,
JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } public
static void main(String args[]) { book
b[]=new book[5]; b[0]=new
book("Bilim ve
Teknik","TÜBİTAK","magazine","Turkish"); b[1]=new
fiction("It is all quiet in the westen front ","Erich Maria
Reamarque","English"); b[2]=new
book("The God Delusion","Richard
Dawkins","fiction","English"); b[3]=new
poetry("Human lanscapes from my country","Nazım
Hikmet","English and Turkish"); b[4]=new
encyclopedia("Encyclopedia Britannica","English"); library l=new
library("Library of congress",b); String
s=l.toString(); outputwindow(s); } } |
4 class Student, mechanical_Student, civil_Student, electrical_Student, course
public class Student { private
String firstName; private
String lastName; private
String StudentNumber; private
String school; private
double grade[]; private
double weight[]; private
double totalweight; public
Student( String first, String last, String sn,String school_name ) { firstName
= first; lastName
= last; StudentNumber
= sn; if(school_name.equals("mechanical")
|| school_name.equals("chemical") || school_name.equals("electrical")
|| school_name.equals("industrial") || school_name.equals("civil")
|| school_name.equals("mining")) {school=school_name;} else {school="not
defined";} }
void setFirstName( String first ) { firstName
= first; }
String getFirstName() { return
firstName; }
void setLastName( String last ) { lastName
= last; }
String getLastName() { return
lastName; }
void setStudentNumber( String ssn ) { StudentNumber
= ssn; }
String getStudentNumber() { return
StudentNumber; }
String getSchool() {
return school; } public
void setGrade(double gradi[]) {int
n=gradi.length; grade=new
double[n]; for(int
i=0;i<n;i++) {grade[i]=gradi[i];} } public
void setWeight(double weighti[]) {int
n=weighti.length; weight=new
double[n]; totalweight=0; for(int
i=0;i<n;i++) {weight[i]=weighti[i];totalweight+=weight[i];} } public
double[] getGrade() {
return grade; } public
double[] getWeight() {
return weight; } public
double getAverage() {
double avg=0; int n=weight.length; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {avg+=weight[i]*grade[i];} avg/=totalweight; return avg; } public
String toString() {
String s=getFirstName()+" "+getLastName()+" "+getStudentNumber()+"
"+getSchool()+"\n"; return s; }
} |
class mechanical_Student extends Student { public
mechanical_Student( String first, String last, String sn) {
super(first,last,sn,"mechanical"); }
} |
class civil_Student extends Student { public
civil_Student( String first, String last, String sn) {
super(first,last,sn,"civil"); }
} |
class electrical_Student extends Student { public
electrical_Student( String first, String last, String sn) {
super(first,last,sn,"electrical"); }
} |
public class course { public
String name; public
Student[] student; private
double weight[]; private
double totalweight; public
course(String namei,Student[] studenti,double weighti[]) { name=namei; int
n=studenti.length; student=studenti; setWeight(weighti); for(int
i=0;i<n;i++) {student[i].setWeight(weighti);} } public
void setWeight(double weighti[]) {int
n=weighti.length; weight=new
double[n]; totalweight=0; for(int
i=0;i<n;i++) {weight[i]=weighti[i];totalweight+=weight[i];} } public
void setGrade(double grade[][]) {int
n=weight.length; int m=student.length; for(int i=0;i<m;i++) {student[i].setGrade(grade[i]);} } public
String studentList() {int
n=student.length; String s=""; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {s+=student.toString();} return
s; } } |
javax.swing.*; public
class coursetest { public
static void main(String arg[]) { Student
s1[]=new Student[4]; s1[0]=new
Student("Ali","Altın","123456","civil"); s1[1]=new
mechanical_Student("Veli","Küçük","223457"); s1[2]=new
mechanical_Student("Ayşe","Yılmaz","223458"); s1[3]=new
electrical_Student("Fatma","Yıldız","323459"); double
weight[]={0.3,0.3,0.4}; Class
c1=new Class("Computer Programming I",s1,weight); String
s=c1.studentList(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s1); } } |
public abstract class shape {
public double area(){return 0.0;} public double volume() {return 0.0;} public abstract String name(); } |
public class point2D extends shape { public double x, y; public point2D(double a, double b) {x=a;y=b;} public point2D(point2D A) {x=A.x; y=A.y; } public String toString() {return
"["+x+","+y+"]";} public String name(){return
"point";} } |
class circle extends point2D { public double radius; public circle() {
super(0.0,0.0); radius=0.0; } public circle(double r, double a, double
b) {
super(a,b); radius=r; } public circle(double r, point2D n) {
super(n.x,n.y); radius=r; } public circle(circle c) {
super(c.x,c.y); radius=c.radius; } public double area() {return Math.PI*radius*radius;} public String toString() { return "Center =
"+super.toString()+" radius="+radius+"
area="+area();} public String name(){return
"circle";} } |
class cylinder extends circle { public double height; public cylinder() {super(0.0,0.0,0.0); height=0.0;} public cylinder( double h,circle d) {super(d); height=h; } public cylinder( double h, double r, double
a, double b) {super(r,a,b); height=h; } public double area() {return 2*super.area()+2*Math.PI*radius*height;}
public double volume(){return
super.area()*height;} public String toString() {return super.toString()+" height =
"+height+" area="+area()+" volume="+volume();} public String name(){return
"cylinder";} } |
class cone extends circle { public double height; public cone() {super(0.0,0.0,0.0); height=0.0;} public cone( double h,circle d) {super(d); height=h; } public cone( double h, double r, double a,
double b) {super(r,a,b); height=h; } public double area() {
double s=Math.sqrt(radius*radius+height*height); return super.area()+Math.PI*radius*s;} public double volume(){return
1.0/3.0*Math.PI*radius*radius*height;} public String toString() {{return super.toString()+" height =
"+height+" area="+area()+" volume="+volume();}} public String name(){return
"cone";} } |
javax.swing.*; class
H9Ex1 { public
static String output(shape s[]) {String
s1=""; for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++) {s1+=s[i].name()+" :
"+s[i].toString()+"\n";} return
s1; } public
static void main(String args[]) {point2D n
= new point2D(7,11); circle
d = new circle(3.5,22,8); cylinder
s = new
cylinder(10,3.3,10,10); cone
c = new cone(10,3.3,10,10); shape
a[] = {n,d,s,c}; String s1="indirect referance use with
abstract class\n"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output(a),s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
abstract class
f_x { abstract
double func(double x);} |
public class numerical { public
static double derivative(f_x f,double x) { double h=0.00001; return
(-f.func(x+2.0*h)+8.0*f.func(x+h)-8.0*f.func(x-h)+f.func(x-2.0*h))/(12.0*h); } public
static double integral(f_x f_xnt,double a,double b) { //integral
f(x)dx boundaries a and b double r[]={-0.973906528517171,-0.865063366688984,-0.679409568299024,-0.433395394129247,-0.148874338981631, 0.148874338981631,0.433395394129247,0.679409568299024,0.865063366688984,0.973906528517171}; double
c[]={0.066671344308684,0.149451349150580,0.219086362515982,0.269266719309996,0.295524224714752, 0.295524224714752,0.269266719309996,0.219086362515982,0.149451349150580,0.066671344308684}; double
z=0,x,y; double
k1=(b-a)/2.0; double
k2=(b+a)/2.0; for(int
i=0;i<r.length;i++) { x=k2+k1*r[i]; y=f_xnt.func(x); z+=k1*c[i]*y; } return
z; } } |
javax.swing.*; class
fb extends f_x {
public double func(double x) { return x*x-5.0;}} public
class H9Ex2 { public
static void main(String args[]) {
fb ff=new fb(); double x=1.0; String s="x ="+x+"\n
derivative df/dx = "+numerical.derivative(ff,x); String s1=" indirect referencing and
abstract class example :"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
javax.swing.*; class
fb extends f_x {
public double func(double x) { return x*x-5.0;}} class
fc extends f_x {
public double func(double x) { return x*x*3-5.0*x+2;}} public
class H9Ex2a { public
static void main(String args[]) { double x=1.0; String s="x
="+x+"\n derivative df/dx [x*x-5.0] = "+numerical.derivative(new
fb(),x)+"\n"; x=2; s+="x ="+x+"\n
derivative df/dx [x*x-5.0] = "+numerical.derivative(new
fb(),x)+"\n"; x=1; s+="x ="+x+"\n
derivative df/dx [x*x*3-5.0x+2] = "+numerical.derivative(new
fc(),x)+"\n"; x=2; s+="x ="+x+"\n derivative
df/dx [x*x*3-5.0x+2] = "+numerical.derivative(new
fc(),x)+"\n"; String s1=" indirect referencing and
abstract class example :";
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
javax.swing.*; class
fb extends f_x {
public double func(double x) { return x*x-5.0;}} class
fc extends f_x {
public double func(double x) { return x*x*3-5.0*x+2;}} public
class H9Ex2b { public
static void main(String args[]) { double x,y1,y2; f_x f1=new fb(); f_x f2=new fc(); String s=""; for(int i=0;i<20;i++) {x=0.1*i; y1=f1.func(x); y2=f2.func(x);
s+="x="+x+"y1="+y1+"y2="+y2+"\n"; } String s1=" indirect referencing and
abstract class example :"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
interface shapeI {public double
area(); public double volume(); public String name(); } |
class point2DI implements shapeI { public double x, y; public point2DI(double a, double b) {x=a;y=b;} public point2DI(point2D A) {x=A.x; y=A.y; } public double area(){return 0.0;} public double volume(){return 0.0;} public String toString() {return
"["+x+","+y+"]";} public String name(){return
"point";} } |
class circleI implements shapeI { public double x, y; public double radius; public circleI() {
x=0.0; y=0.0; radius=0.0; } public circleI(double r, double a, double
b) {
x=a; y=b; radius=r; } public circleI(double r, point2D n) {
x=n.x; y=n.y; radius=r; } public circleI(circle c) {
x=c.x; y=c.y; radius=c.radius; } public double area() {return Math.PI*radius*radius;} public double volume(){return 0.0;} public String toString() { return "Center =
"+super.toString()+" radius="+radius+"
area="+area();} public String name(){return
"circle";} } |
class cylinderI implements shapeI { public double x, y; public double radius; public double height; public cylinderI() {x=0.0; y=0.0; radius=0.0; height=0.0;} public cylinderI( double h,circleI d) {x=d.x; y=d.y; radius=d.radius; height=h; } public cylinderI( double h, double r, double
a, double b) {x=a; y=b; radius=r; height=h; } public double area() {return 2*Math.PI*radius*radius+2*Math.PI*radius*height;}
public double volume(){return
Math.PI*radius*radius*height;} public String toString() {return super.toString()+" height =
"+height+" area="+area()+" volume="+volume();} public String name(){return
"cylinder";} } |
class coneI implements shapeI { public double x, y; public double radius; public double height; public coneI() {x=0.0; y=0.0; radius=0.0; height=0.0;} public coneI( double h,circleI d) {x=d.x; y=d.y; radius=d.radius; height=h; } public coneI( double h, double r, double a,
double b) {x=a; y=b; radius=r; height=h; } public double area() {
double s=Math.sqrt(radius*radius+height*height); return
Math.PI*radius*radius+Math.PI*radius*s;} public double volume(){return 1.0/3.0*Math.PI*radius*radius*height;} public String toString() {{return super.toString()+" height =
"+height+" area="+area()+" volume="+volume();}} public String name(){return
"cone";} } |
javax.swing.*; class
H9Ex3 { public
static String output(shapeI s[]) {String
s1=""; for(int i=0;i<s.length;i++) {s1+=s[i].name()+" :
"+s[i].toString()+"\n";} return
s1; } public
static void main(String args[]) {point2DI n
= new point2DI(7,11); circleI
d = new circleI(3.5,22,8); cylinderI
s = new
cylinderI(10,3.3,10,10); coneI
c = new coneI(10,3.3,10,10); shapeI
a[] = {n,d,s,c}; String s1="indirect referance use with
interface\n"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,output(a),s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
interface f_xI { double
func(double x);} |
class numericalI { public
static double derivative(f_xI f,double x) { double h=0.00001; return
(-f.func(x+2.0*h)+8.0*f.func(x+h)-8.0*f.func(x-h)+f.func(x-2.0*h))/(12.0*h); } public
static double integral(f_xI f_xnt,double a,double b) { //integral
f(x)dx boundaries a and b double
r[]={-0.973906528517171,-0.865063366688984,-0.679409568299024,-0.433395394129247,-0.148874338981631, 0.148874338981631,0.433395394129247,0.679409568299024,0.865063366688984,0.973906528517171}; double
c[]={0.066671344308684,0.149451349150580,0.219086362515982,0.269266719309996,0.295524224714752, 0.295524224714752,0.269266719309996,0.219086362515982,0.149451349150580,0.066671344308684}; double
z=0,x,y; double
k1=(b-a)/2.0; double
k2=(b+a)/2.0; for(int
i=0;i<r.length;i++) { x=k2+k1*r[i]; y=f_xnt.func(x); z+=k1*c[i]*y; } return
z; } } |
javax.swing.*; class
fb implements f_xI {
public double func(double x) { return x*x-5.0;}} public
class H9Ex4 { public
static void main(String args[]) {
fb ff=new fb(); double x=1.0; String s="x ="+x+"\n
derivative df/dx = "+numericalI.derivative(ff,x); String s1=" indirect referencing and
interface example :"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
expression version
javax.swing.*; public
class H9Ex4A { public
static void main(String args[]) { //lambda expression f_xI ff=x->x*x-5.0; double x1=1.0; String s="x ="+x1+"\n
derivative df/dx = "+numericalI.derivative(ff,x1); String s1=" indirect referencing and
interface example :"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
class MathT { public
static double PI=3.1415926535898; public
static double E=2.718281828459; public static double exp(double x) { // number e = 2.718... // exp(x) = 1 + x /1! + x2 / 2! + x3
/ 3! + x4 / 4! + .double power=1; double exponent=1; double factorial=1; int number=1; double power=1; while(number<=300) { factorial*=number; power*=x; exponent+=power/factorial; number++; } return exponent; } public static double log(double x) {double y=(x-1.0)/(x+1.0); double power=2.0*y; double z=y*y; int n=0; double ln=0; while(n<=300) { ln+=1./(2.0*n+1.0)*power; power*=z; n++; } return ln; } public static double log10(double x) { return log(x)/log(10.0);} public static double sqrt(double x) { return exp(0.5*log(x));} public static double sqr(double x) { return x*x;} public static double cubrt(double x) { return exp((1.0/3.0)*log(x));} public static double pow(double a,double
x) { return exp(x*log(a));} public static double root(double
a,double x) { return exp((1.0/x)*log(a));} public static double sin(double x) {double sum=x; double pow=x; double fact=1; int plus_minus=-1; int kp=0; for(int n=1;n<100;n++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=(2*n+1)*(2*n); sum+=plus_minus*pow/fact; plus_minus*=-1; } return sum; } public static double sinh(double x) {double sum=x; double pow=x; double fact=1; int kp=0; for(int n=1;n<150;n++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=(2*n+1)*(2*n); sum+=pow/fact; } return sum; } public static double cos(double x) {double sum=1; double pow=1; double fact=1; int plus_minus=-1; int kp=0; for(int n=1;n<150;n++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=(2*n)*(2*n-1); sum+=plus_minus*pow/fact; plus_minus*=-1; } return sum; } public static double cosh(double x) {double sum=1; double pow=1; double fact=1; int kp=0; for(int n=1;n<150;n++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=(2*n)*(2*n-1); sum+=pow/fact; } return sum; } public static double tan(double x) {return sin(x)/cos(x);} public static double tanh(double x) {return sinh(x)/cosh(x);} //error function public static double erf(double x) { double sum=x; double pow=x; double fact=1; int plus_minus=-1; for(int n=1;n<100;n++) {
pow*=(x*x); sum+=plus_minus*pow/fact/(2.0*n+1.0); fact*=n; plus_minus*=-1; } sum*=1.0/Math.sqrt(Math.PI); return sum; } public static double asin(double x) { double sum=x; double pow=x; double fact=1; double fact2=1; double twok=1.0; for(int k=1;k<60;k++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=k; fact2*=(2*k)*(2*k-1); twok*=4.0;
sum+=fact2*pow/(fact*fact*twok*(2.0*k+1.0)); } return sum; } public static double acos(double x) {return PI/2.0-asin(x);} public static double asinh(double x) { double sum=x; double pow=x; double fact=1; double fact2=1; double twok=1.0; int plus_minus=-1; for(int k=1;k<60;k++) {
pow*=(x*x); fact*=k; fact2*=(2*k)*(2*k-1); twok*=4.0;
sum+=plus_minus*fact2*pow/(fact*fact*twok*(2.0*k+1.0)); plus_minus*=-1; } return sum; } public static double atan(double x) { double sum=x; double pow=x; int plus_minus=-1; for(int k=1;k<100;k++) {
pow*=(x*x); sum+=plus_minus*pow/(2.0*k+1.0); plus_minus*=-1; } return sum; } public static double atanh(double x) { double sum=x; double pow=x; for(int k=1;k<100;k++) {
pow*=(x*x); sum+=pow/(2.0*k+1.0); } return sum; } } |
abstract class
f_xT extends MathT { abstract
double func(double x);} |
class numericalT { public
static double derivative(f_xT f,double x) { double h=0.000001; return
(-f.func(x+2.0*h)+8.0*f.func(x+h)-8.0*f.func(x-h)+f.func(x-2.0*h))/(12.0*h); } public
static double integral(f_xT f_xnt,double a,double b) { //integral
f(x)dx boundaries a and b double
r[]={-0.973906528517171,-0.865063366688984,-0.679409568299024,-0.433395394129247,-0.148874338981631, 0.148874338981631,0.433395394129247,0.679409568299024,0.865063366688984,0.973906528517171}; double
c[]={0.066671344308684,0.149451349150580,0.219086362515982,0.269266719309996,0.295524224714752, 0.295524224714752,0.269266719309996,0.219086362515982,0.149451349150580,0.066671344308684}; double
z=0,x,y; double
k1=(b-a)/2.0; double
k2=(b+a)/2.0; for(int
i=0;i<r.length;i++) { x=k2+k1*r[i]; y=f_xnt.func(x); z+=k1*c[i]*y; } return
z; } } |
javax.swing.*; class
fb extends f_xT {
public double func(double x) { return sin(x);}} public
class H9Ex5 { public
static void main(String args[]) {
fb ff=new fb(); double x=MathT.PI/3.0; String s="sin("+x+")
="+ff.func(x)+"\n derivative df/dx =
"+numericalT.derivative(ff,x); String s1=" indirect referencing and
abstract class example :"; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s,s1,JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } } |
classes point, circle, and cylinder. Create a classes, extended from class circle that will be
calculated area and volume of a cone (
. Note that this class will be similar to cyclinder class except the way of
calculating area and volume
Area of the conic surface = prs Area of the base= pr2 Area of the cone = prs+ pr2 Volume of the cone = 1/3 pr2h s = (r2 + h2)0.5 |
3 ) Investigate classes Student and course. Add
course class a method to calculate avarage grades of all students in the class
and list the results.
From abstract class shape
derive class sphere. This class
should calculate its area and volume , Test it by using indirect reference
5) From interface shapeI derive class sphere.
This class should calculate its area and volume , Test it by using indirect
reference shape
6) Write
a test program to read value of x from input then calculate derivative of
function y=e-x/(x2-1)
in a test program by using lambda expressions
7) Write
a test program to read value of a and b (lower and upper limit of the integral)
from input then calculate integral of function
y=e-x/(x2-1) in a test program