W4 Introduction
to class concept & dynamic methods
will use the class IO, be sure that it is include in the directory you
import java.util.Scanner; import javax.swing.*; class IO { public static void print(String s) {JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,s);} public static void Cprint(String
s) {System.out.print(s);} public static double Dinput(String s) { return Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(s));} public static int Iinput(String
s) { return Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(s));} public static String input(String s) { return JOptionPane.showInputDialog(s);} } |
W4Ex1 for
class f1 {public int func(int x) {return
x*x+2*x+1;} } public class
W4Ex1 {
public static void plot(f1 f,int xmin,int
xmax) {
int x=xmin; String sum=""; String
s=""; int y=0; while(x<=xmax) {
// function to be plotted int i=0; sum="*"; while(i<y) { sum =
" "+sum;i++;} s+=sum+"\n"; x++; } IO.print(s); } public static void main(String arg[]) { f1
f=new f1(); plot(f,-10,10); } } |
public class
W4Ex1A { public void plot(f1
f,int xmin,int
xmax) {
int x=xmin; String sum=""; String
s=""; int y=0; while(x<=xmax) {
// function to be plotted int
i=0; sum="*"; while(i<y) { sum =
" "+sum;i++;} s+=sum+"\n"; x++; } IO.print(s); } public static void main(String arg[]) { f1
f=new f1(); W4Ex1A w=new
W4Ex1A(); w.plot(f,-10,10); } } |
public class
W4Ex1B { public static void main(String arg[]) { f1 f=new f1(); W4Ex1A
xx=new W4Ex1A(); xx.plot(f,-10,10); } } |
public class book {
public String name,author; int year; public book(String namei,String authori,int yeari) {name=namei;author=authori;year=yeari;} public String toString() {String s="book name = "+name+" book
author = "+author+"
publication year =
"+year+"\n"; return s; } } |
public class
W4Ex2 { public static void main(String arg[]) { book b1=new book("heat transfer","Özışık",1976); book b2=new book("the plaque","Camus",1987); IO.print(""+b1+b2); } } |
public class rectangle {
double width,length; public rectangle(double widthi,double lengthi) {width=widthi;length=lengthi;} public double area() {return width*length;} public String toString() {String s="width = "+width+" m length = "+length+" m
area = "+area()+"
m"+'\u00B2'+"\n"; return s; }} |
public class
W4Ex3 { public static void main(String arg[]) { rectangle k1=new rectangle(1.25,2.0); rectangle k2=new rectangle(1.5,2.5); IO.print(""+k1+k2); } } |
public class
f2 {public double A; public f2(double Ai) {A=Ai;} public double func(double
x,double y) {double
z=A*x+2.35*y; return z;} } |
public class
W4Ex4 { public static void main(String arg[]) { f2 z1=new
f2(2.5); f2 z2=new
f2(3.0); double x=1.2; double y=2.2; String s="object z1 x = "+x+" y = "+y+" z1(x,y) = "+z1.func(x,y)+"
A = "+z1.A+"\n"; s+="object z2 x = "+x+" y = "+y+" z2(x,y) = "+z2.func(x,y)+"
A = "+z2.A+"\n"; IO.print(s); } } |
public class box {
double width,length,height; String bcolor; public box(double widthi,double lengthi,double
heighti,String bc) {width=widthi;length=lengthi;height=heighti;bcolor=bc;} public double area() {return width*length+width*height+length*height;} public double volume() {return length*width*height;} public String toString() {String s="width = "+width+" m length = "+length+" m
height = "+height+"
m area = "+area()+"
m"+'\u00B2'+" volume = "+volume()+" m"+'\u00B3'+" color = "+bcolor+"\n"; return s; } } |
public class
W4Ex5 { public static void main(String arg[]) { box b1=new box(1.25,2.0,3.0,"red"); box b2=new box(1.5,2.5,3.0,"blue"); IO.print(""+b1+b2); }} |
class f3 {public double func(double x) {return
x*x+2*x+1;} public String toString(double x1,double x2,double dx) {String
s=""; double eps=0.000001; for(double x=x1;x<x2+eps;x+=dx) {s+="x="+x+"y="+func(x)+"\n";} return s; } } |
public class
W4Ex6 { public static void main(String arg[]) { f3 z1=new f3(); String s="object z1\n"; s+=z1.toString(0.0,2,0.1); IO.print(s); } } |
W4HW1 : Investigate
excersise W4Ex5. Write a sphere class to calculate
area and volume of sphere for D=0.1 m ,0.2 m and 0.3 m
public class
W4HW1 {
public static void main(String arg[]) {sphere s1=new sphere(0.1); sphere s2=new sphere(0.2); sphere s3=new sphere(0.3); String s="s1 = "+s1+"s2 =
"+s2+"s3 = "+s3; IO.print(s); } } |
f3 is given as
class f3 {public double func(double x) {return
x*x+2*x+1;} } |
Call the
class and method in main method of program
W4HW2.java to calculate function value for x=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9
you can use for loop to
create x values)
class f3 {public double func(double x) {return
x*x+2*x+1;} } public class
W4HW2 {
public static void main(String arg[]) { String
s=""; f3 f=new f3(); for(double x=0.1;x<1.0;x+=0.1) {s+="x = "+x+" y = "+f.func(x)+"\n";} IO.print(s); } } |
Now call
the class f3 to achive the
same result, write W4HW2A.java
class f4 {public double func(double x,double
y) {return
x*x+2*x*y+y-10;} public String toString(double x1,double x2,double dx,double y1,double y2,double dy) {String
s=""; double eps=0.000001; for(double x=x1;x<x2+eps;x+=dx) { for(double y=y1;y<y2+eps;y+=dy) {s+="x="+x+"y="+y+"z="+func(x,y)+"\n";} } return s; } } |
Class f4 is given to calculate
function value for x=0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0 and y=0.0,0.25,0.5,0.75,1.0
write class W4HW3